Mitglied seit: 25.10.07
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Beitrge: 4422
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"Through an anonymous source at Epic/completely made up with no source whatsoever, we have the Gears of Wars 2 achievement list as it stands now in production.
Meat Tenderizer - 10 points.
Kill a meat cube in the tutorial
Butcher - 10 points.
Kill a meat cube on Casual Difficulty
Filet Mignon - 10 points.
Kill 10 meat cubes on Casual Difficulty
Soylent Green is People - 10 points.
Be a meat cube on Casual Difficulty
WTF? - 10 points.
Display meat cubes to bewildered audience who is not impressed on Casual Difficulty
Shovel and an Ax - 10 points.
Be a manly man on Casual Difficulty
Stiper - 10 points.
Listen to R.E.M. Discography on Casual Difficulty
Keep it Real - 20 points.
Renounce Microsoft buy out plans on Hardcore Difficulty
Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems - 20 points.
Claim company is worth more than market value on Hardcore Difficulty
Fonix? - 20 points.
Misspell “Phoenix” 5 times on Hardcore Difficulty
Server Search - 20 points.
Ensure that no community exists in other Epic games on Hardcore Difficulty
Too Lawsuit - 20 points.
Win lawsuit concerning Unreal Engine 3 on Hardcore Difficulty
Roadie Run of Death - 20 points.
Burn out your Xbox 360 out on Hardcore Difficulty
What? Again? - 30 points.
Burn out your replacement Xbox 360 on Insane Difficulty
Fuck an Indian - 30 points.
Curse out customer service on Insane Difficulty
No Cover - 30 points.
Break Gears of War 3 embargoes on Insane Difficulty
Games As Art - 30 points.
Using Susan O’Connor, construct an argument that games are art
Games As Art? - 30 points.
Using Susan O’Connor, construct an argument that games are art, but know the difference deep down
Step Down - 30 points.
Don’t respect anyone who didn’t beat the game on Insane Difficulty
Playa - 10 points.
Recover one-third of the doo rags (on any difficulty)
Hustla - 20 points.
Recover two-thirds of the doo rags (on any difficulty)
P.I.M.P. - 30 points.
Recover all of the doo rags (on any difficulty)
Eat Shit and Die - 30 points.
Write some fanfic with only marginal literacy level.
Purchase Power - 30 points.
Buy the PC version to fight the Brumak
The Choir - 30 points.
Agree with us when we say that DLC should be free, but resign yourself to buying it anyway
Troll - 10 points.
Cite Gears of War 2 as proof of Xbox 360 superiority (on any message board)
Flames of War - 20 points.
Cite Gears of War 2 as proof of Xbox 360 superiority (on any 10 message boards)
Awkward! - 20 points.
Fanboy out on CliffyB (on any difficulty)
Don’t Be Coy - 10 points.
Make vague allusions to homosexuality (on any difficulty)
YMCA - 20 points.
Expose your penis to another man after totally reading the wrong signals (on any difficulty)
No Clever Brokeback Mountain Reference - 30 points.
Make Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago make sweet, sweet love (on any difficulty)
Sorry, I didn’t know - 20 points.
Accidentally call a real life gay person a “fag” in a ranked match
F’ Yeah! - 10 points.
Drop 20 Shawn Elliott memes in ranked matches
Too Much Information - 20 points.
Talk about sex you may or may not have had in real life in a ranked match
Back to the Kitchen - 20 points.
Demand 100 sandwiches from mom in ranked matches
Fuck Obama - 20 points.
Support Ron Paul in a ranked match
Fuck Osama - 20 points.
Describe in detail conspiracy theories concerning the War on Terror in a ranked match
One and Only - 20 points.
Never ever play Halo 3 multiplayer again. Ever.
Fuck off Guys - 10 points.
Defend the honor of 10 females in ranked matches
Bullshit - 20 points.
Deny reports that video games cause aggression, but immediately punch your dog in the face on your next ranked match loss
Stick it to Thompson - 30 points.
Be a minor and play the game
I’m Funny - 30 points.
With an obviously false voice, attempt to grief and post the pathetic results on Youtube
Glad I’m Not That Guy - 30 points.
Be the target of a mediocre grief attempt
Yeah, I Didn’t DO That - 20 points.
Get Fucking Stuck on Fucking Cover, Jesus Christ!
Revenge is the Best Revenge - 20 points.
Submit bad feedback after losing a match
Over the Top – 10 Points
Unnecessarily flip your gun up and catch it, when the chainsaw would have worked just as well were you to hold it normally.
Break the Fourth Wall - 20 points.
Write a huge list of fake achievements for Gears of War 2 and post it months prior to release
Hey! Fuck you! That’s Our Achievement! - 50 points.
Kill 10,002 people in versus ranked matches"
Und zum Schluss noch eine Anlehnung an "The Club", die ja 10.001 Kills für Ranglisten-Spiele veranschlagten. Netter Gag jedenfalls.