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>Irgendwelche verschissenen Raubkopierer spielen das Teil schon. Ein paar Jungs aus dem Grotten-Forum haben solche Herrschaften sogar in der Freundesliste und können das bestätigen. Naja, wenigstens gibt's so noch weitere Spieleindrücke. Ich hoffe nur nicht, dass diese Leute ranglistentechnisch schon loslegen können...
>Das hier hat der Consolefanatic aus einem amerikanischen Forum kopiert:
>Hey all, so today was the first of 3 days that gears is in toronto. Luckily for me, it wasnt crowded during the day (i.e. 2pm) due to it being a working friday, so I got TONS of gears time in. I was trying to be observant and noticing the changes and stuff. Unfortunately, they had some malfunctioning equipment, and out of 10 booths, there were only 6 working, and out of those 6, only one person could play on 2 of them. Worst of all, they messed up the live, so the booths weren't connected to each other, which basically meant that it was 2 people to a game at most. They will fix that by tomorow, so my commentary in terms of humans vs humans is limited.
>There are many important things to note actually, with a bunch of minor things.
>Firstly the controls. Very different in terms of maneuvrability, but there were little to no unintentional wall 'sticking'. There is much less acrobatics like there was in gears 1 though, and they slow down some features while quickening others. Here's a (long) list of things that I noticed, whether it's big or small:
>-Hammerburst was a disapointment for me. Inaccurate at long ranges even when stationary, and not enough power I find to make up for the new and improved lancer chainsaw. Worst of all, there was recoil when you held the trigger to fire at it's 'standard' rate. You have to fire slower than the 'standar rate of fire' for no recoil (ideal for long range support). However at close range, it was very powerful due to the ability to mash the trigger and all the shots still hit the enemy due to him being close and exposed. And assume 2 guys are in the open, one with lancer one with hammerburst. If they start shooting that the same time, the hammerburst will down the lancer guy MUCH faster.
>-The lancer now has slight upwards recoil
>-The chainsaw is a total beast now. You can chainsaw even if you have damage, and even while you are taking damage if they don't shoot you in the right spot.
>-i.e. I saw two guys duking it out behind a square piece of cover. One guy charged with his saw reved while the other shot him tons of time (the guy with the saw went from full health to deep red/almost dead) yet he didn't drop the saw and got the saw kill. Due to the nature of the cover, the shooter (who was using a lancer as well) was aiming below the waist, leaving me to believe that that to make a guy drop the lancer you have to shoot his torso or mabye even the lancer itself (and possibly the head).
>-i.e. #2. I was getting meleed by locust in horde. There is a slight pause in between each melee. You can chainsaw him BETWEEN melees! Just remember though, instead of holding B to get it back up, you have to press B all over again at the right time.
>-2 piecing (melee then shoot) with the shotgun still in the game
>-Shotgun still plenty usable. Very strong but shoots slower.
>-Boltok active reload is interesting. Even if you shoot one shot, you can fire super fast (think twice as fast) with the rest of the clip even if that only one shot was actived
>-When you are meleeing someone, you cannot roll untill the melee animation is complete. So basically if you miss the melee, you will likely get stunned and die. Prevents overmelee-age in this game
>-Sniper was interesting. The active seems to make it easier for headshots (i.e. bigger bullet size), but when you have an active and you are aiming from cover, and the active goes away, your guy automatically goes back and takes cover. There was no sound in that booth, so I wasn't sure if he was holding his breath.
>-I didn't get a chance to experiment between the damage of an active and non-active sniper.
>-The hammer of dawn is interesting as well. It does not have 3 cell packs, but rather a energy meter. You hold the trigger down, and the initial big blast comes, and that's when the cell battery starts going down. When you drag it, it moves MUCH slower than in gears 1, but the beam itself is of a much cooler design. Between the initial 'big blast' and then the 'laser dragging stage', there is no difference of the rate at which the cell battery is draining (so if you don't go all out on each beam from beginning to end, you can get a good 6 big blasts in
>-As for the power of the 'laser dragging beam' part, I was unable to verify the damage because I did it on locust computers (the big blast stunned them and the dragging finished em). It took a while though, so I don't believe it's too powerful dispite the much cooler look. I suppose it's because the initial blast will now stun everyone (stunned the locusts I was shooting at).
>-If you try and melee the ticker AFTER its back muscles are flexed (i.e. fire coming out of their bombpacks, they will blow up (so don't melee it at that stage!).
>-The butcher boomer is slow and easy to kill. A good 3 close range shotgun blasts on normal does the trick, and you can EASILY outrun them.
>-The boomshot lobs MUCH more. And when it's being shot at you, it's much more visible (like a sparkling star of death).
>-The snub pistol has no special 'Y' button execution... It's the 123 punch one.
>-I did get the torque bow headshot, but I unfortunatly rolled away so I didn't get a clear look at where the arrow goes. What happends is that you get the headshot and the guy's head pops off, THEN the arrow blows. I THINK that the arrow just goes through him, possibly hitting someone behind him.
>-In warzone/execution, computers DIE EASILY versus sniper headshots (took out 4 computers and one live opponent, all with well placed headshots )
>-When you have the boomshield, you cannot roll, but you can run (and melee).
>-Tagging a downed guy with smoke will not do anything to him.
>-Tagging an ink grenade to a guy is not effective at all versus boomers. It will do an initial blast of poison gas, but the gas does not follow the guy (i.e. the opposite of what happens when you smoke tag a guy in gears1). However I never tagged a regular sized person, but I would assume the blast would knock him down and he would suffocate while down.
>-The grenade throw range was greatly reduced, probably to prevent smoke nade spamming
>-I personally find the game a much slower pace, but that's also due to the possibility of a)still new at it, b)the TV resolution was so high I felt like it was slowing the game down (the speed didn't match what I saw on the youtube videos)
>-For maps, the only ones there was Day One, Pavilion, and River. On Day One, there's a boomshield indoors, and a gorgon pistol at the opposite corner. On Pavilion, you all seen the mulcher. If you head downstairs there is a mortar, and upstairs there's a boomshield. On river, there's also a boltok that spawns between the 2 CoG vehicles outside the sniper/torque hut.
>-When you pick up a weapon, you can face a different direction, and you should roll accordingly. I.e. Gears 1, you pick a sniper, and you wanna roll right as soon as you can, so you hold the right stick and mash A. If you do that in gears2, you will end up looking right, and roll to the right of that, meaning you will end up going backwards.
>-you can cancel cover jumps and swat turns right away, mid animation. Be wary of that when you're cover jumping, as people mess up on that the first time they do it.
>-Stopping power is significant
>-Flamethower is very nice and powerful.
>-When you frontal chainsaw someone with their lancer out, I dont think that you go right into the chainsaw duel. I've sawed many a locust from the front and there was no saw duel taking place.
>All of the above was the things I could remember off the top of my head. And against all odds, I ran into LightzOut (from these forums!) without even knowing what he looks like (and visa versa) and we ended up playing a bit together. Somehow he asked me if I did live, and eventually he figured out I was DiscombobulatedThi Pretty jokes we had a good round of warzone (where he stuck me with a torque bow off a really good and quick shot ) then some submission (which is REALLY fun).
>Unfortunately there are no official prizes to be won by playing gears, though I won one in a funny way. I was playing horde and dealing with a butcher boomer and got 2 shotty shots off (meaning shot one left to kill). One of the staff comes up to me and my split-screener with a demo-disk in his hand and said "next one to get a headshot gets a prize". I say ok, look back at the game, and pop the boomer in his head right away. I was pretty happy suffice to say. (P.S. the demo disc wasn't for gears 2, so I didn't even open it lol)
>The good part about today was that it was a friday, so even though lots of booths were offline, there was a tiny lineup. And I already made friends with the staff (I'm the dude who when his time is up gets right back in the line... around 20 times heh). The bad news is that tomorrow it will likely be jam crowded, which will hopefully get countered by the fact that there are more booths (and that gears 2 isn't the primary attraction... It's the new rockband, and a bunch of other stuff).
>What I did NOT do was:
>-test 2 chainsaws on one guy
>-bring a video camera
>-play a 5v5 multiplayer match.
>I'm going back tomorow, and I will be doing 5v5 multiplayer, hopefully with a camera handy. While there were some bumps, I wish I had my a camera on me cause I did some pretty damn slick gameage at times. And with the experience gained today, I can assure you all that I will not be playing like a noob.
>Anways I'm dead tired so I may have forgotten some information. I'll keep editing this time to time when I remember. Enjoy, Ill hopefully bring some more goodies (multiplayer related) tomorow.
>Edit: Things I forgot will be added below... Check here time to time for new info I remember
>-Gorgon has an insanely long reload and wait time between each shots
>-You get headshots with anygun on horde (it gives you the crosshairs icon when you kill the guy), but only a selection of weapons will pop the head (snub, boltok, sniper, torque). In real multiplayer, they will just go down, so you get the down rather than the headshot.
>-When you fire the lancer for an extended period of time, the end part of the lancer muzzle glows hot red. Very dam cool effect.
>-Same goes for hammerburst, but instead of only the tip, the big part with holes glow as well (think the holes are there for ventilation, and makes it feel like a locust gun too, as it's less technologically sound, yet focuses on brute strenght).
>-I think this was the final version, as while we played, we would unlock achievements, and the game was very polished
>-Destructible cover is pretty sweet. I had a mulcher in hand and a locust blocked by the edge of a pillar. Just shot right through it and grinded that locust up so well an old man can drink him through a straw.
>-Melee might have been nerfed (on top of the unable-to-roll-during-animation). On horde mode (on normal difficulty), the locust takes more than 2 hammerburst melees (i think), and it takes 3 of their melees to down you, so there's a possibillity that 3 melees is the new melee-norm. Oh and hammer of dawn melee is still weak... Almost got killed by a wretch lol.
>-Able to pick starting round of horde mode from 1st to 6th wave. Mabye it's because we got that far, and so you can always pick your previously highest wave
>-Controls. I can't believe I forgot to mention this. Very imporant. For the option menu, there's some very nice changes. All you snipers will like this too. There's a different sensitivity level for your regular guy, and when you aim using left trigger (not just zoom in with sniper scope). And believe me it is plenty fast. The downside is that there's no bar, only the low-medium-high spectrum.
>-Equally imporantly is the fact that you can change controls, kinda like halo. I got onto one xbox, and the left trigger was the roll/cover button. Who knows what different types there weill be.
>-When you rodie run, the camera no longer reverts back to the middle when you move it. I.e. in gears one, when you rodie run, if you look up while rodie running then let go of the stick it moves back to the middle. In gears 2, the camera stays where you left it, so you can be looking at the sky/floor while running without touching the right stick.
>- I also remember that there were additional visual options for the hud, (many in fact) but I can't remember em. Oh and there wasn't any shotgun blood splatter that I could remember when you get shot with shotty at close range.
>- As for stopping power, when someone is running directly towards you, they slow down so much they basically stop. The less they are facing you, the less impact stopping power will have (I think... this is what I observed and sorta tested).
>-Added a 'blurry/focus' feature. Think Halo 3's sniper. When you are aiming at a target, whatever's in your crosshairs is focused, while stuff in the foreground and background is blurry. I.e. there's a box, then a bit back is a locust. If you focus on the locust, the box (assuming it's far enough) is blurry.
>-Also, on Day One, one of the upper sides has the sniper/torque spawn, while the other has a mortar/hammer of dawn spawn. Very nasty place for both of those superb weapons (I took out 4 bots and 1 human player with that sniper + vantage point in a single round hehe).
>- I also forgot about the mortar aiming system. Very cool. If has an interactive crosshair system that remembers the distance of your last shot, so you can make adjustments accordingly. What I didn't check was that if looking up or down also affected the arc. Oh and the mortar is AWESOME on horde (A well placed shot nets you 5 guys and up).
>OK day two was intersting. Yet again, there was no damn multiplayer, but for a worse reason. 2 xboxes out of 10 didn't hook up to the host, so the boss of the whole gears operation didn't let us to system link (yes I was pissed). Probably multiplayer tomorow.
>Now the good news. Videos. Tons and tons of footage, so much that my shoulder hurts from keeping a camera there (I had 2, one of em was full so I moved on to the next one). I got tons of stuff, but unfortunately only 2 of the scenes is me playing (and one I messed up bad... tried to pick up a guy who was down, my comp AI kills him so i roll into the middle of the enemy forces...). The videos are currently being uploaded to my comp, so you will have to wait. In the meantime, I'll write down the new info I've learned.
>-Double Chainsaw. Yep, it's definately in the game, and boy is it hillarious. Possibly potential for triple or even quad saw, but we have yet to try it. In fact, I have a video of people double sawing. Note that it does not speed up the rate of the saw going through (so if a saw takes 3 seconds, it stays 3 seconds for every person who saws the guy.
>-The Hammerburst. In my day 1 post, you see how I disliked it. Seems like I judged to quickly. I had another go with it, and it was good. When you hold the right trigger down, the recoil is the exact same as the lancer (slightly upwards, easy to rectify). When you are strafing however, It's accuracy goes down. As for whether the recoil increases if you are in zoomed more, I didn't test that out. Damage wise, it's better than the lancer.
>-There are no other 'Y' button executions that we know of (though I didn't test the hammer of dawn). Nades of any sort won't do anything special
>-Wallbouncing is as good as gone. You turn too slowly in this game to properly wall bounce and then shoot a guy. You can wallbounce in a defensive manner however to escape sticky situations, but you won't be able to really shoot back (maaabye on high sensitivity, you'll see).
>-Normal sensitivity is good, but my guess is that many of you will dislike it. High sensitivity is great for close quarters, as you turn much faster (but too fast for me in every other situation).
>-When you tag a guy with a grenade, you cannot roll until the animation is complete. So basically you have to make sure that no one is shooting while you are tagging.
>-All pistols have a zoom (even Gorgon)
>-Gorgon does not pop heads, or have a 'Y' button execution.
>-When you are chainsawing someone, your camera angle doesn't change at all (unlike gears 1)
>-Boomshot explosions are awesome. You'll see em in my vids.
>-The kantus' melee will knock you down, and they are also very tall and durable.
>-OK this isn't a spoiler anymore. It's concerning the new enemy in horde, the Sira. I encountered them on wave 6 on the pavilion map. They are kinda like flood from halo. They rush at you to melee you, you can use the shotgun to blow off their arm and they still come at you. A point blank shotgun shot will send him on the floor, and you think he's dead, but he will come right back up. The most reliable way to kill them is with the chainsaw or an explosive manner. Check the videos later for their appearance.
>-For horde mode, there is a red bar at the top left. That's basically giving you an estimate of how many locusts are left. Once it gets low, the bar changes to the numbers of locusts left. After a while, to speed things up, they will just rush right into you so you don't have to go looking for them (even the snipers will get up close lol).
>-The gamespeed. In my first commentary, I said how the game is much slower, and others agreed with me. Well, not today. They fixed the problem, and the game is running at normal speed (which is faster than gears1). So it's still fast and frantic at close quarters, yet slow and sneaky when you want to be. Very good game speed.
>-Ink Grenade Tagging. It's bad to tag it to people, as it has one initial burst (think opposite to smoke tags in gears1). Used mainly for blocking off areas/hallways/passageways, and even then a full healthed guy can run through, albeit be barely alive. Good for throwing behind an enemy who you know is gonna try to run. Tagging on wall effective too if the enemy is traveling in large groups it cuts them in half (and if they try to run through it you should down them).
>-The Torque bow. The aiming line (i.e. when you hold it, the targetting line appears) changes from blue to red when the bow has about 1.5 seconds left to shoot. Give's the user a warning basically.
>-Smoke nades. Imaging you are a sniper on Day One or River up where it spawns, and there's 3 guys coming after you (there's only 1 way in or out from the sniper points). What do you do? Well I tested it and it works. You throw a nade at your wall/your feet, and stand near the edge. The smoke nade basically turns your body into a ragdoll so you just drop down (mabye launch down if at the right angle) into the river/streets. It's risky, but better than taking on 3 guys alone. The smoke also confuses them to where you are, giving you time to get away (yes im a tactician... dunno why I'm sharing this tactic with you bums )
>- The hammerburst. Read what I said in the Day 1 post. I take back every bad word I ever said about this gun. I love it now. You just have to get used to it, but I forsee many people using this along with the lancer. In depth description: When you are against cover and don't move and hold the fire trigger, the hammerburst fires VERY accurately with a small amount of upwards recoil. If you are moving sideways, the recoil becomes more unpredictable (sideways+upwards recoil). When you are stationary and are smashing the trigger, there's lots of recoil, but it's quite controlable for medium ranges, especially if your target is out of cover. If you are moving and smashing the trigger, the recoil is abundant, and it is only recommended for close to medium ranges. The power is very nice though to counter the small clip size, and meleeing is always welcome in this game.
>- Tickers. When you melee them, don't expect them to always explode. Contrary to my day 2 post, I discovered that you should melee the ticker just after he flexes his back and the bomb lights up. If you melee him before, he plops on his back, but will eventually (approx. 3 seconds) get up and come at you. Of course you can shoot him in that time and blow up many enemies nearby. See my ticker video. Also the sire is in there (not sira, my bad!).
>- Sniper. When he is getting shot in scope mode, the recoil is huge. Basically while you are getting shot, it is impossible to get an accurate shot in while scoped.
>- Kantus. I know you can chainsaw the Kantus in singleplayer (boy they sure are tall!), but in multiplayer I don't think so. I am unable to verify because everytime I tried, he melees (or screams at) you and you go flying down and take no damage, just like if you were hit by a smoke grenade. Oh they also love their dam ink grenades. 1 kantus = 1 point cloud at all times, 2=2clouds, etc.
>- Both weapon pickups and reviving teammates are harder (or more accuract is required). You have to basically be right on top of it, because your character kicks the new weapon up into his hands.
>- The only new feature I didn't like. When your teammates are down in gears one, you see a semi-transparent icon, and the close you get to them, the more solid it becomes. In gears 2, the icon is always solid, and there were many times I saw someone ran past a teammate they were trying to help, only to realise they walked right by em. In a close game, that would be very frustrating. And I also missed a teammate once that way too.
>- 50 points for revives, and it shows xplayer revied yplayer where the kills and weapon pickups are shown
>-Locust can revive each other in campaign and horde mode the same way we do, but the Kantus can do it from far away. Very annoying.
>-You can call out to your teammates to revive you when you are down. I'm not sure if the opponent can hear it, but I think so.
>-Camera angle for executions. I made a mistake in my last posts. I realized that you do get a funky camera angle when you saw someone, or do the 123 execution, or whatever, but othertimes you do not. I believe that if the camera would have gone into cover, or something like that, then the camera angle doesn't change when you are doing your execution on them. But normally it should
>-In horde, I saw someone (and have a video of someone) pick up a grenadier with the shoulder armor as a hostage, and the shoulderarmor will just fall off
>-When in cover using the mulcher, you can (and should) hold the right trigger at the same time as left trigger, so by the time you get out of cover, your mucher is already firing. If it's still rolling though, you will be spraying it as you are taking it out of cover (so bullets on the ceilling all the way to the enemy heh). Also when it gets closer to overheating but you have lots of baddies to kill, try alternating between shooting and cooling it, so that it never stops spinning so you can shoot whenever you need to."

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