Mitglied seit: 08.11.07
Ort: Winterthur
Beiträge: 1812
>Wie soll der gehen? Darf man in der KOMPLETTEN Mission "Cliffhanger" niemanden verletzten oder alamieren? Also auch nicht im Schneemobil Teil?
>Ich hab es nämlcih bereits geschafft das C4 zu platzieren ohne dass ich jemanden alamiert oder verletzt habe. Der Erfolg blieb aber aus.
Zitat xbox360achievements:
This can be done in any difficulty. After you climb the ice and kill both sets of enemies, you and Soap will separate and a blizzard will appear. Take out the gun with heart sensor and crouch towards the objective. Do not kill or injure anyone, and make sure you aren't caught. If you are caught, you can restart from the last check point. Wait for the guard near the objective to move near the car and pass next to him. Do not go inside the building. Move towards the other building on your left, and head towards the edge of it(near the small hill). Soap should mention something about a car, but just keep going. There should be one or two dots in your sensor, but they can't see you. Ignore Soap when he says enemies in the runway, just keep going and plant the C4.
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