Mitglied seit: 23.10.07
Ort: -
Beiträge: 1993
>Die aktuelle Zelle, ja. Aber im Endeffekt halt immer nur die erste, es sei denn du passt immer penibelst darauf auf nie eine komplette Zelle zu verbrauchen, was ja schon mal nicht bei Takedowns geht.
Habe die offizielle Erklärung dafür gefunden:
Why didn't you guys make all the energy cells recharge through the game. with one it just gets frustrating to have to wait for another silent attack.
Frank says:
“The waiting part is what we were after.
When we originally designed the game, energy wasn’t part of it. It’s something we’ve had to add later on to balance the take-downs and the augs, otherwise the game proved way too easy.
What you’re feeling as frustration is actually the game pushing back and asking you to think of other ways to get past obstacles. At least, that was our intention.
Had we given you guys all the energy you wanted, this would be a very different game. Not necessarily a better one…”
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